In Dutch

Fresh, green little leaves in society. Initiatives which make our society more thriving.
'Fresh', 'green' ways of organization and education.


July 5, 2016

Meer dan kunst

Oh, wow.
Dit slaat weer in.

We maken de wereld kapot, omdat we als enigste specie eigenlijk dom zijn, ontzettend dom.
Wij zijn de enigen die ons eigen habitat verwoesten.

Wanneer we dat inzien, moet ons streven eigenlijk zijn om er boven uit te stijgen, méér dan menselijk te worden.

'k Las net dit stukje:

“Art can be a force for social transformation... or better still, creative organization. Except that our role as interested spectators and collectors of experiences must end, and with this the entire range of commodifications must become extinct and uninteresting to us. In short, we must together become much more than art ‘as we understand it’ can ever possibly be. We must become more than art, that we may also be more, not less... than human.”